Things You Shouldn’t Wear Flying – Part 1
If you’ve ever been flying you’ve no doubt figured out a decent system regarding what you should and shouldn’t wear for travelling on an airplane. Some people opt to go the comfortable route while others go business, which all depends on where you’re going and for what purpose. Everyone has their own routine and little eccentricities but there are some things that just don’t work when it comes to flying. Yet… people still do it.
I’ve noticed a decent number of terrible clothing choices for flying that pops up more than you would expect. I can hold most of it up to them being infrequent flyers, but after talking to a few wandering nomads who have over a hundred flights under their belts, it isn’t just something for newbies!
Below is a short list of thins I would recommend you not wear if you’re planning on boarding a plane. These range from mere fashion faux pas to the seriously WTF type of clothing and accessory choices. Hang your head in shame if you’ve ever committed these – Annie, and everyone else, is mocking you.
Giant Jewellery
Sure, you can look straight out gangsta or all sparkle and purdy like when you get to your destination, but going through an airport scanner isn’t really the place to be dressing to impress. On top of these things being easy to get caught on things and kind of annoying on a long flight, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll have to take them off when you get to the metal detector. It doesn’t matter if it’s never set off the alarm before, it’s probably going to do it this time – and nobody wants that!
Pyjama Pants
I understand you want to be comfortable but at least get dressed. I don’t care if you don’t wear them to bed (and PLEASE don’t tell me what you actually wear to bed), pyjama pants outside of the house or in front of mixed company – see: not your immediate family – is signalling to the world you have given up. Find a good pair of jeans if you’re a guy or some yoga pants or tights if you’re a lady. Yes, girls have it easy in this respect. Be jealous of us. Which brings me to the next one…
Mainly in reference to the gents out there, sweatpants are a poor choice as outdoor attire but especially on a plane. The only acceptable reasons to wear sweatpants outside of the house or while working out is if you are on your way to/coming home from working out or if you are so rotund that waistbands aren’t an option for you – in which case I would recommend doing what you should be doing if you’re wearing sweatpants. These pants… do unflattering things to certain parts of your anatomy. It’s true that some guys look good in them – but these guys tend to look good in ANYTHING – just like their female equivalents (we’re a rare breed;)).
In terms of flying… uhh… I’ve got nothing… I just think they’re gross. Please don’t wear them.