Travel insurance is a prerequisite to be bought before you start your trip, excluding the fact for how long you are traveling.
Travel insurance is an emergency care when things unexpectedly go wrong. It depends on the policy you buy, whether it’s when your luggage is lost by the airline, or you fall from hiking, or you need to cancel or cut your trip short under some uncertain circumstances. It’s not to be confused with health insurance.
Is travel insurance just health insurance?
Travel insurance is much more than health insurance. Except a medical emergency, travel insurance covers you for trip cancellation, trip interruptions, and emergency transportation you may need to get to the nearest hospital fast.
How does the insurance actually work?
Contact the emergency assistance team and they can help make arrangements and approve costs if it’s a major medical emergency needing overnight hospitalization or emergency repatriation. You need to claim reimbursement from your insurer for all other situations, including day admission to hospital. Be sure to keep all documentation, file any necessary police reports, and save all receipts. Companies don’t reimburse you based on your word.
Is the travel insurance necessary if my Credit Card offers some risk coverage for traveling?
Yes! Some do offer protection against stolen goods, medical emergency, and trip cancellations if you have booked a trip with that credit card but even the best credit cards offer the least risk coverage. You must dive deeper to understand every bit of the company’s policy in case, you want to trust credit card risk coverage. You might be paying a huge amount for a limited coverage. Also, make sure that the policy is activated before the trip.
Does Travel insurance work in my Home Country?
Well, this depends on the policy you opt and where you can travel to. You need to check this carefully with your insurance company and you might ask for a suitable policy that covers risks as per your requisite. Some travel insurance policies, do cover you at home, but you need to check for limitations.
Why do the online reviews of all travel insurance sucks?
It is generally observed that after buying the policy people make assumptions about the coverage without reading the policy. So, they yell on the company when something isn’t covered or when lacking supporting documents to support their claim and write a nasty review online.
No offense but if you’re going in with no documentation, no proof you owned what you lost, or you want to make a claim for something that is specifically excluded from the policy, you should expect to get denied. Is the reimbursement process fun? No. It’s a lot of paperwork, but when you have all your ducks in a row, you get reimbursed. It doesn’t mean insurance is a bad idea while you read the reviews by users who didn’t read their policy well. It just means people don’t follow instructions.