The Honey Pot: Saving for Honeymoons
After the stress of putting on a perfect wedding, honeymoons are the release in which the married couple can relax and spent time for two. To get the unforgettable experience that is much deserved, many couples are now asking instead of wedding presents, for money towards the honeymoon in honey pot funds.
As couples cannot always afford the private islands off the coast of Brazil, this idea is a much more economical way to make the unforgettable trip they dream of. By registering for the honeymoon instead is an interesting alternative that allows everyone to be happy without the crude exchange of cash or the unexciting gift of a teapot. As many couples live together before the wedding, this tradition may be unnecessary at some points in life, so this option is an unconventional but refreshing choice.
Many travel companies now offer a gift list service where you can register for a holiday or set up a fund to start planning one. The company gives you personalised cards for your guests that explain how to contribute towards your honeymoon, and how to leave a special message for the couple. Throughout the project there is an updated copy of the gifts received online which means the couple can continue planning right up until the big day.
Now your post wedding celebration is in the hands of your loving family, friends, and the specialist travel agents, you can focus on what you want from a honeymoon. Deciding whether it’s a beach resort, a city break or even a safari adventure is the first step. Whether you want to relax with a couples massage by the beach or deep sea dive with manta rays is personal preference, although it is always fun to try something you’ve never done before!
If you’re stuck for inspiration for the honeymoon, or previous brides are making too many suggestions, many travel companies offer bespoke holidays designed to tailor the needs of the couple. To begin honing in on the dream vacation you can begin with something as simple as the season you want to travel or the type of experience you want to have. From here you can be guided with the helpful hands of a professional. For something as special as the honeymoon, there are moments when the planning is best left to the experienced experts.